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Information sur les broderies liturgiques CONTENTS. I. Introduction i II. The Holy Altar, and its Adornment 12 III. Eight Altars illustrated, and described for different kinds of Needlework Directions for executing Coloured Frontispiece of Hanging for Feasts of our Lord 20 IV. Super-frontals Ornamental Crosses for Frontals 56 V. Monograms (various) Powderings Pulpit and Desk-Hangings 70 VI. Sermon-Cases Band-Cases Book-Covers Alms-Bags Alms Dish-Mats Church Book-Markers 83 VII. Church Linen Altar and other Cloths Pouncing and Drawing Patterns on Linen for Ancient Embroidery How to prepare Designs on Cardboard for Modern Church Embroidery 98 VIII. Applique; or, Applied Work Instructions for Preparation of Applique in every Material 110 IX. Embroidery-Frames Framing Work generally How to use the Hands at the Frame Proper Implements for Church Embroidery 121 X. Remarks on Gold Gold Bullion Embroidery Passing Its Use Illustrated from Photographs of 13 Old Stitches 136 XI. Embroidery Silks Directions for Long-Stitch Embroidery French Knots, with Practical Illustration 153 XII. Textile Fabrics for Robing the Altar Correct Church Colours and Shades 16